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Vertical Farming: Opening New Doors for traditional growers
Vertical Farming: Opening New Doors for traditional growers
January 27, 2025
Who doesn’t love good food?
Made by moms or celebrated chefs, all those clicks of colorful dishes spark a new discussion among our friends and sometimes brings water in their mouth too.
We all aspire for tasty, healthy and delicious food. And this becomes possible only when we get our hands on fresh vegetables and fruits. But have you ever thought who ensures the health and freshness of our food? Any guesses? Here’s the answer-
“It’s the hard-working farmers of India”.
From waking up as early as 4 in the morning for giving water to the crops to observing the growth of every plant on the farm and getting rid of pests, this farmer is the one who takes care of our food. Those veggies that eventually end up on our plates and nourish us with healthy nutrients are a result of thousands of hours of labor and hard work.
Until now most of us had this image of a farmer who’s tiling large fields with the help of bovines and a person who works during all the seasons on these fields.
But today if you dig deeper then you’ll be taken aback by the fact that many farmers have seriously taken up Vertical Farming and are showing really extraordinary results.
Call it the rise of a new wave of farmers who are using the best of technology for growing food for an ever-expanding population.
We are pretty sure that by now your mind must be buzzing with curiosity on learning what exactly is vertical farming? How is it different than traditional soil-based farming? And why Vertical Farming is gaining popularity?
By the way, Vertical Farming & Hydroponics have just given new hopes to farmers who were solely dependent on traditional methods. So, come let’s get started with the basics and find out what’s driving more and more people towards vertically grown crops and herbs.