Indoor Hydroponics Farm Setup

Indoor Hydroponics Farm Setup

Indoor hydroponics farming eliminates the challenges posed by geographical limitations.
Ponics Hub has successfully established numerous indoor farms across various states in India. We believe that indoor hydroponics farming addresses the critical issues faced by our rapidly growing global population:
Pollution & Reduced Nutritional Value: Traditional field-based farming struggles with polluted water and poor air quality, which negatively affect food quality and diminish nutritional value.
Water Scarcity: Conventional farming requires large amounts of water, while many regions are facing water shortages due to inefficient water usage. Hydroponics farming, on the other hand, uses just 10% of the water compared to soil-based farming.
Additionally, water recirculation is a key benefit of indoor hydroponics farms, making them highly sustainable.

Types Of Indoor Farms

Ponics Hub has earned a good name in setting up Indoor Hydroponics Farms of all sizes and types.
Come Check out the Various Types of Indoor Farms, we help you to establish at your spaces:
  • Vertical NFT System
  • Vertical DWC System
  • Grow lights

Vertical NFT System:

NFT means Nutrient Film Technique.
In this method, mineral-nutrient solution is added to the water.
These nutrients are then carried by the flowing water that passes through the roots of the plants. NFT always has the roots hung for proper exposure to air.
In Vertical NFT System of Hydroponics, plants are installed in multiple layers. These layers are then stacked one above the other. This helps in maximizing the yield per acre and leads to more food grown using hydroponics.

The benefits of Vertical NFT System, are:

Extra Yield per unit area
Year Round Production
Reduces Water Evaporation
Relief from Soil Borne Diseases
Highly Suitable for Rooftops and Balconies
Nutrient Rich Water Supply to each plant

Vertical DWC System

DWC means Deep Water Culture. In this method, the plant roots are sunk deep in water. This water is well oxygenated and full of nutrients. These plant roots remain in the water at all times. For oxygenation, air pumps are connected with the water reservoir.

Benefits of DWC System of Hydroponics, are:

Saves Space
Multi-Layer Farming
No Height Limitation
Maximum Output is gained in less time
Basic Model installed has 10 Ft. Height with 4-5 Layers

Grow lights

For Indoor Hydroponics farming, we supply adequate lights to the plants with artificial lighting systems. Grow lights become all the more important for plants because every crop needs exposure to warmth and cold.
And plants need only 2 ends of the spectrum of sunlight, i.e. Red and Blue.
With Grow lights all the crops grown at indoor hydroponics farms, gain exposure to Red (Warm) & Blue (COOL) Spectrum, as these are compulsorily needed by the plants for getting good growth.

The Benefits of installing Grow lights go as follows:

Promotes Plant Growth
Helps in Plant Development
Good for Leafy Greens
Used for Multi-Layer Hydroponics Setups
Supplies adequate light intensity needed by plants

Advantages of Contrower Farms

Ponics Hub Farming: Ponics Hubs offers the most comprehensive range of solutions for Ponics Hub farm setups. Backed by a team of exceptional agronomists, engineers, and agritech experts, we deliver outstanding results for corporations, individuals, HoReCa, government institutions, and more.
Controlled Environment

Hyper Local Delivery:

Hydroponics Farming has massive potential to cater the demand of a large segment of population. That too with continuous supply of fresh and healthy crops.
Year-Round Production

Beyond Seasons

The limitations posed by the changing climate is not a problem when you are growing food by hydroponics system. In other words, a Controlled Environment Agriculture helps in year round production of different crops at the same farm.
Reduced Water & Land Usage

Better Output

The size of hydroponically grown crops is bigger than the ones grown using soil. It's because the nutrients are supplied upwards and roots don't have to extend it's presence deep down inside the soil.

Aspire to Start a Hydroponics Farm ?

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