The best way to get an idea on the advantage of hydroponics is by showing it’s comparison with soil based farming.
A.) Bigger Size:
It’s because the vegetables and fruits grown by hydroponics, spend a good amount of time growing upwards than growing deep extensive root systems.
B.) Faster Growth:
Hydroponics helps the plants to mature upto 25% faster than the plants grown in soil.
C.) Healthy & Pure:
As these hydroponics plants are grown in a Controlled Environment, there’s absolutely no need for any kind of chemical, pesticide or fertilizer. That’s why the veggies and herbs grown by Hydroponics are healthier and tastier.
D.) Higher Output:
With more and more novel designs of hydroponics systems coming up in the markets, the output gained from a hydroponics setup far exceeds the output gained from traditional soil based farming.
E.) Water Conservation:
The nutrient and oxygen rich water is constantly recirculated into the piping systems, where the roots get fed with all they need for their growth. Plus, there’s very less evaporation because of a controlled environment where the hydroponics setups are taken care of.
F.) Helps Utilise Space:
With a drastic change in temperature and its impact on growing conditions of the soil, hydroponics farming has come up as the best answer to utilise those spaces by putting them to good use. Barren lands, places with cold weather, desert, you name it and there you have a successful hydroponics system ready to serve you with nutritious leafy greens, herbs, veggies and fruits.
G.) Round the Year Output:
Hydroponics has surpassed the limitations posed by seasons, that otherwise allow for harvesting of only season based crops. But with hydroponics we can grow a huge variety of crops at all times of the year.